Sunday, November 28, 2010

What does Christmas Mean to You?

by Crystal Canole 
Since I was very little, Christmas was a holiday to celebrate Jesus, but was more about the presents.  I have struggled with my own religion and beliefs, but as an adult I now understand Christmas as much more than just presents or celebrating a God.

To me, Christmas represents showing love for not only your family but for man kind.  I love giving and of course receiving, but I am much more happy giving. 

There are many charities that benefit from Christmas.  One charity that I participate in during Christmas is the Haven.  This is an organization that helps those who are victims of Domestic Violence.

During Christmas they have a gift giveaway.  They take charitable donations of new toys and goods and have a three day gift giveaway.  Individuals that they have helped over the past three years come and pick out gifts.

Children pick out gifts from their mothers.  Mothers pick out gifts from their children.  It warms my heart to know that this charity helps hundreds of children every year receive a gift for Christmas.  No child should go without a gift for Christmas.

The gifts picked out can then be taken home by the individuals and saved for Christmas morning.

Christmas is a time to give as much as you can, and share time with your family.  This is what Christmas means to me.

If you would like to learn more about this charity, click the following link:

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