Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

October 20, 2010 by Crystal Canole
I am a huge fan of her even though I do not agree with a lot that she has to say.  I listen to her all day long on my phone sometimes because her callers are very interesting.  One thing I do not like about her is her idea on living with someone if you are not married.

She thinks that this is a bad idea and that women are giving it away for free.  I completely disagree with her and think that moving in with someone before you decide to marry them is actually a very good idea.

The amount of marriages that are ending in divorce is astounding.  Perhaps some of these people would have saved themselves a lot of time and money if they had lived with their significant other before getting married.

When you live with the one you love you learn a lot about them that you had not previously known.  All of the issues about cleaning, cooking, and finances could be worked out before you seal the deal with marriage.  Those that go through this process first will have a better chance of making it to their 50 year reunion.

The fact that marriage means nothing to people anymore is another issue.  If two people are happy living with each other and do not want to get married I do not seem a reason for why they should.  To me, marriage is one of the most sacred things that happen to two people and should be taking seriously.  There is no need for divorce and people should try harder at their marriages.

Shacking up as Dr. Laura likes to call it is not giving away your goodies for free. Instead it is taking a test drive of the person you are planning to enter into a forever promise with first.  Marriage needs to be viewed
as forever again and not used as a disposable union.

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