Sunday, November 7, 2010

Review: Megamind 3D

by Crystal Canole

Your never to old to watch an animated movie!  These movies may be rated for children but there good for the entire family. 

Megaminds is a movie about two aliens who are sent from their home planets to earth.  Mega Man is voiced by Brad Pitt and Megamind is voiced by Will Ferrel.  This is your epic good vs. evil tale told by the villains viewpoint.  There are many things that Megamind must learn throughout the film that makes him evolve. 

All in all this movie was a good movie.  It is similar to some past movies, but definitely worth watching.  I love 3D movies so if ya get the chance I would definitely watch it in 3D.  It contains romance, heroism, sadness, happiness, and humor.  Megamind grows on you and by the end of the movie you will be rooting him on. 

If you do not want to spend the extra money on 3D, the graphics and quality of film is good enough to watch it plain.  I recommend 3D because I am enthralled with things flying out of the screen at me.  It is not one of those movies like say Avatar, where 3D really makes a difference though. 

Check out the trailer: Megaminds Trailer

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